How do I Overcome being an Introvert? The answer might surprise you…5 minute read

How do I Overcome being an Introvert? The answer might surprise you…<span class="wtr-time-wrap block after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">5</span> minute read</span>

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I have seen this question come up a lot lately, “how do I overcome being an introvert?”.

I have my own thoughts on this (which we will get to in a minute), but I decided to google that question to see what others were saying. And the results were a bit surprising.

While there were a few helpful articles, there were a lot that saw introversion as a problem. Most articles didn’t necessarily say being an introvert was bad. But they did suggest ways to not seem introverted and tips on how to be more social. Which in my eyes, is kind of the same thing as trying to train someone to not be an introvert.

There is no doubt that I have asked this very same question before. I wanted to overcome my introversion because I saw it as a weakness, especially as a man. I felt I wasn’t worth much as a christian. I felt like a bad person when I wanted to be alone, thinking I was being selfish. And I didn’t know why I would get irritable if I didn’t get some time alone. So believe me when I tell you, I know exactly how you feel.

But what I have learned that past couple of years is invaluable and I thank God for getting me out of that rut.


Here is how I answer people that ask me the question, “How do I overcome being an Introvert?”.


Introversion is not a social construct. It is a created personality type that God has a reason for.  He has a perfect plan for everyone he created. Which means, he made you an introvert for a reason. Pause and think about that.

God made every personality type and has a perfect plan for each. Which means, God created you as an introvert for a perfect reason.

Knowing this, it makes me cringe when someone asks how to overcome being an introvert. And it should make you cringe as well. Because when someone ask that question, that can only mean one thing. They believe God made a mistake during creation.  Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”. So if God created you in his own image, does that mean God has a flaw?

Lets skip down to 1:31 and 2:1. “ 31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. 1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.“. I believe that God not only looked over what was in existence at the time, but also looked at the creation that would be here in the future. I believe this because the first verse of chapter 2 tells us God finished the creation. Meaning there is no new creations. 

Why did I say all that? In chapter 1 verse 31, God said his creation was very good. And since his entire creation was done, he was talking about you, way back in the beginning of time. Now, if God said his creation was good, and you come along as a mistake, that would make God a liar. And we all know, God cannot lie.

My point of all this, is just to say, you are no mistake. Your made a certain way for a perfect God to fulfill his perfect plan. If you feel like you are not who you are intended to be, or you don’t feel a sense of joy and purpose in your life, that could only mean one thing.

You are not in the will of God.

Now that doesn’t mean you are living in sin and God is frowning on you. That just means you haven’t discovered Gods will for your life. God doesn’t just plop his plan in our laps at any given time. We are expected to fellowship with God and seek his will and guidance in our life.

So, if you think you need to change who you are in order to be a “good christian” or be used by God, think again. In order for God to use you, all you need to do is submit to God and get rid of the sin in your life. And, no, being introverted is not a sin.


Still on the fence about it? Well, lets bring in some science.

An Introverts brain works differently than an Extroverts brain on a chemical and neurological level. wrote an amazing article illustrating this point. I love it because it is not too sci-ency, it’s to the point and explains it on a level I can understand.

Basically, the neural pathway for processing stimuli is longer in an introverts brain. Simply put, we take longer to process the world around us because of this. For example, when an introvert is in decision making mode, he/she is reaching way back to past experiences and weighing pros and cons. While it may seem we are quiet or indecisive, there is a constant dialogue going on with ourselves in order to make the decision.

I’m sure there is more science we can through in here, but maybe we will save that for a different post.


Just know that as an introvert, there is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken. You are not inferior and you certainly are not a disappointment to God because of being an introvert.


Have more questions? Email them to me at


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Husband | Father | IT Guy | Blogger | Author and Creator of wanting to encourage those who question their abilities in Christ. Don't let your Introversion define who you are and don't use it as an excuse to shut yourself out from the world.