
  • Does this name tag apply to you?
  • Do you ever blame your personality for holding you back?
  • Does the thought of serving the Lord excite you, but the thought of actually doing it scare you?
  • Do you find it hard to fit into church environments/events because you feel you are not as outgoing as the others?
  • Do you ever feel you are an insignificant Christian?
  • Is the “greeting” time in church your least favorite part?


If you answered “Yes” to any of those questions, you are in the right place.


Hello. My name is Travis Haines. Thank you for taking the time to be here. Don’t think I take that lightly. I truly appreciate it.

I am the creator of ChristianIntrovert.com. And don’t worry, I would have also answered “yes” to those same questions. Well, to be honest, I probably would have answered “no” to the first question, simply because I didn’t know what an introvert was.

Why am I here?

I can’t answer the question, “Why are you here?”, but I can answer “Why am I here?”. Simply put, I am here to show introverted Christians that they are just as important and just as capable to serve Christ as the next person. How will I do that? Well, keep reading.


I want to teach the Bible


I am not going to pretend to have all the answers. I am making an effort to read my Bible more. I want to learn all I can about how we are supposed to live while on this earth. There are so many questions about the social, economic and world issues today. I believe that the Bible is Gods blueprint to life and all the answers to these questions can be found there.


I want to encourage and lift others

There is too much negativity and hurt in this world to ignore. I want to be a light in the darkest parts of someone’s life. If there is a struggle you are going through, I want something I say to encourage you. I want you to keep your head up and keep looking forward. There is a purpose for every life on this earth. Sometimes it is hard to see when you are at rock bottom, but I assure you, God has a plan for your life. You just need to trust him and listen for his direction.


I am here to try my best to add value to your life

I know my message is not going to be accepted by everyone. That is okay. I am not trying to reach every person. Yes, it would be nice if everyone wanted to hear what I had to offer, but I am not going to set that expectation for myself. If you want to hear it. Good. Stick around and I will do all I can to add value and help you through this journey called Life.


If you haven’t already, I would encourage you to connect with me on other social media apps. You can find me mostly on InstagramTwitter and LinkedIn. Feel free to direct message me through any of these outlets.